716 babies were born in Jersey in 2024, the lowest number since 1945. Oliver has been knocked out of the most popular baby names.
The Superintendent Registrar reports 330 girls and 386 boys were born last year, making it the 6th year in a row more boys than girls were born in 2024.
In total, there were 79 fewer babies born compared to 2023, a 10% decrease.
In terms of popular baby names here, Isla pipped Olivia for first place, whereas Theodore shot to the top in a bounce back into popularity.
Pearl from Spongebob, Love Island's Luca Bish, Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Twilight's Bella Swan
The last time Theos were included in the list was in 2022, in 6th place.
Similarly, the 10 most popular girls' names, in Jersey, saw not one, two or three, but six brand new name entries since 2016.
They include Pearl, Clara, Ruby, Bella, Elodie and Grace, knocking the popular Amelia, Emily, Emelia and Luna off the list in 2024.
For the first time in almost a decade, Oliver is not included in the boys' top 10 names.
Other than that, the list has remained pretty much the same, with the usual Luca, Alfie and Leo making appearances.
However, there has been a resurgence for William, Henry and James, with Arlo and Finley entering the charts in 9th and 5th.