The Marine Mission returns to offer the Jersey public a unique opportunity to hear from leading marine conservationists and environmentalists.
Some of the most respected voices in marine conservation from the UK and Channel Islands are in the island this weekend for the 2025 Marine Mission event.
Speakers will cover a range of topics, including the pressures facing puffins and the secret life of seahorses in British waters.
Attendees will hear from over 20 exhibitors and guests, with an open Q&A at the end to ask guests and conservation experts about things that sparked their interest.
St Ouen's Bay
Exhibitions and interactive displays will showcase work, media, and research from Neolithic Archaeology, Jersey National Park, Société Jersiaise Bat Group and the British Divers Marine Life Rescue amongst many others.
This free event takes place in the Rocco Suite at the Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel from 5:30 - 9pm.
Kevin McIlwee, Chairman and founder of Jersey Marine Conservation, said: "We can take about 300 (people), and last year it was a full house. Everybody said 'great night, when are you going to do it again?'.
"This year is the fifth one celebrating our coastlands and wetland areas. It's an incredible opportunity for people to find out what's amazing about those areas and finding out about the people and organisations that are involved with protecting and managing it.
"We have a whole series of talks plus exhibitions. It's going to be a fantastic free event."
Organised by Jersey Marine Conservation, the evening is part of a wider effort to educate and connect the community with these essential ecosystems - coinciding with the global observance of World Wetlands Day.
Speakers and exhibitors
- Andrew Mitchell – A year as Chairman of the Jersey Ramsar Advisory Group
- Kevin McIlwee – Key Marine Conservation Projects of 2024
- Amy Hall – Bats of the Écréhous & Minquiérs
- Freddie Watson – Blue Marine Foundation and Marine Protection
- Grace Bailey – Underwater Photography Highlights of 2024
- Paul Chambers – Geology and Aspiring Jersey Geopark
- Tamsin Raine – Ocean Culture Life and the Story Tellers
- Alex Purdie – Puffins, Seabird Colonies, and the Alderney Wildlife Trust
- Beccy Macdonald-Lofts – Seahorses of the UK and Marine Conservation Education
The evening will conclude with a live Q&A session, where attendees can engage with speakers and conservationists, including Professor Jamie Stevens (Biosciences, Exeter University), Dr Sean Dettman, and Bob Tompkins.
Visitors can explore a range of exhibitions:
Action For Wildlife
Alderney Wildlife Trust
Beccy Macdonald-Lofts - Seahorses of the UK
Bob Tompkins - Neolithic Archaeology
Blue Marine Foundation
British Divers Marine Life Rescue
Grace Bailey Photography
Jersey Island Geopark
Jersey International Centre of Advanced Studies,
Jersey Marine Conservation
Jersey National Park
Ocean Culture Life
Plastic Free Jersey
Ports of Jersey
Société Jersiaise Bat Group
The Government of Jersey Marine Resources.
Monday 3 February will feature a schools-only session, designed to educate and inspire the next generation about marine and environmental conservation.