An undisclosed number of senior staff have gone, after not disclosing that estimated costs for phase 2 of the PEH modernisation had gone millions over budget.
The news that phase 2 of the PEH modernisation was as much as £20M to £30M in excess of the estimates passed by the States broke a few days ago.
But more details were given by health committee president deputy Al Brouard at the start of the March States meeting.
The most revealing insight was that his committee was not made aware of this figure when it went to the States in October 2023 to seek, and get, approval and funding for phase 2.
He told members that an undisclosed number of the Programme Management Team were aware of the new costings last February, but didn't share that information. Those staff no longer work for government:
"It is unacceptable fact that the updated estimates received in February 2023 were not shared wider than a small number of staff.
The committee and its current senior advisors were unaware of this at the time of the October 2023 debate on the Funding and Investment Plan.
I am sure members will understand the committee was very concerned that this information was not shared with us."
Deputy Brouard told members that his committee and its advisors will now look at the revised budget and try to work out if the new estimated costs can be reduced. He said this may take some time and if it's not possible, the States will further debate the matter.
He assured the Assembly that the staff who originally saw the revised costings have gone:
"While matters between employees and their employer are confidential to those parties, we have been advised that any staff who were aware of that information are no longer employed by the States of Guernsey."
Deputy Broaurd then faced questions on this matter for more than 30 minutes.