Faces of Liberation

This year, the island of Jersey is celebrating 75 years since we were liberated.

As part of the celebrations, we’re all being encouraged to get involved with The Liberation mosaic which is being organised by arthousejersey.je.

They aim to produce the largest piece of public art ever seen in the island getting as many islanders involved as possible. You can get involved too. You’re encouraged to send in a picture of your face to use for the mosaic via their website arthousejersey.je.

You have until Sunday 15th March to submit your photos. There is also the opportunity for community groups to get a visit and have photos taken by an ArthouseJersey photographer. Simply get in touch via the website. They’re also really interested in what freedom means to you and if you have any Liberation stories to share.

Be part of the story with ArthouseJersey.je and Channel 103.

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