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Covid Travel: Imminent Move To Regional Risk For UK, France & Ireland 

The UK will be split into regions for its covid risk from early next week.

Jersey's government says it will be announcing more information 'in the coming days' - and that a regional approach will also be taken to France and the Republic of Ireland.

The authorities have signalled an imminent change to the traffic light system of safe travel for the UK, France and Ireland, that will be based on regional coronavirus case numbers.

No more details have been given yet, but we're told the information will be shared soon, and the approach taken from 'early next week'.

At the moment, the UK is classed as 'green' and people coming to Jersey from there do not to have to isolate if they agree to a PCR swab at the ports.

France is amber, as is the Republic of Ireland which was upgraded last Sunday.

Meanwhile, Liechtenstein and the British Virgin Islands are being upgraded from green to amber status from Friday, while  Andorra, Belize, Gibraltar and Malta will move from amber to red.

An individual review of the Canary Islands is also underway.

Arrivals from amber countries must isolate until they get two negative covid tests, taken five days apart, while those coming from red countries must quarantine for a fortnight.

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